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My husband and I practice together. We recently hired a new FD person who came highly recommended from a couple of references provided on her resume. Things have been going well thus far. I recently got a call from someone who stated they worked with her in the late 90’s and that she was fired from her position due to embezzlement.

Highly recommended by MORE THAN ONE reference and only ONE call from “someone”.

According to this source, the dentist had proof that was in fact the case, but did not prosecute…just fired her.

The “dentist” had proof. Find out who the dentist is and call them.

I know that people can change. However, I now have a sick feeling and can’t help but feel differently toward her.

That’s a shame after one call that hasn’t been confirmed.

I have read many ways for safeguarding against embezzlement, and I am very hands on with reviewing adjustments, pt accounts, etc… FD person knows this. My concern is that I will be out very soon with the birth of our first child while my husband will still be practicing. (We also just moved our existing 2yr. old practice to a brand new office space). There are obviously lots of changes going on. I worry that she may see this as a prime opportunity to possibly try and “resort to her old ways”.

So from this one call you’ve already made up your mind that she’s a thief.

Maybe her previous 2 employers were taken for a ride by her but didn’t know it.

True, maybe she stole from everyone in those offices and no one ever knew, maybe she knocked over a couple of banks too. You’re letting your mind wander…make the call to the dentist and find out!!!!!

Again, maybe she learned her lesson and wouldn’t even think of going down that road again.

Again, one call and you’re convinced that the story is true. Sorry, if it were me I’d be looking for third party confirmation before jumping to conclusions, maybe that’s just me though. I do tend to give people the benefit of the doubt until THEY show that I shouldn’t.

“Recently got a call from someone who stated they worked with her in the late 90’s and that she was fired from her position due to embezzlement. According to this source, the dentist had proof that was in fact the case, but did not prosecute…just fired her.”

I have to go back to this statement, call the doc & confirm this. What if this caller was simply sharing a story that was told to her 3 times over, you know how stories grow?

My brother recently quit a job he got through a head hunter. He tells me that about 2 weeks later he was talking to one of the folks he used to work with and the story the company told the headhunter was that they had to let him go because he wasn’t qualified.

He knows why they told them this, they want a credit for some of the money they paid the headhunter. My brother calls the headhunter and tells them his side of the story. The result? His ex-employer won’t be getting leads from this headhunter anymore.

Heck, maybe there was something going on between the dentist & your employee, she was fired & this is the story the dentist gave his other employees. My mind can wander too.

This post first appeared on DentalTown.

Send your questions to Tim Lott, CPA, CVA at

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