Is Electing an S-Corp Status the Best Option for this Dental Group?


I have a
hypothetic tax question. Of course I am reviewing this with both the
accountant and financial planner, but curious of your opinion.
Assume there is a group practice with multiple owners that make more than
250,000 net (let’s say 500,000 average for argument sake, but they truly
are not equal, one might be 375,000, one might be 600,000, etc).They currently operate under an LLC as the practice operating entity.
…and I assume that LLC is currently being taxed as a partnership,

They are thinking of electing S-Corp status through their LLC to avoid some of
the pending tax increases.
As an S-Corp, how will this effect
1) their ability to unequally distribute compensation
It will add a couple of steps to the year-end planning process as well
as the following years tax return prep, though it won’t be a big deal. Basically
you’ll want the wages to be set at the lowest base salary for everyone. Then, when
you calculate who is due what, you’ll use the wages to “reconcile”
the compensation differences. For example:Let’s assume everyone takes a salary of $250k. At the end of the year, it’s
determined that one should make $375k. One should make $500k and the other
$600k. That means that one gets $125k more, another gets $250k more and
the last gets $300k more.The last one gets a W-2 bonus of $175k ($300k-$125k), the second one gets a W-2
bonus of $125k ($250k-$125k) and the first one gets NO W-2 bonus. That
leaves $375k of S-Corp profit split evenly at $125k each so everyone got what
they were entitled.The trick is this will have to be estimated in December then reconciled to
actual for the year when all the numbers are final for tax return purposes. These
reconciliation differences will also run through wages.

2) the ability for a partial sale of personal goodwill should a transition

Bingo. This is where the S-Corp complicates transitions and you might want
to weigh this issue with existing income tax issues.

In my opinion the parent LLC taxed as a partnership provides the most
flexibility when it comes to future transitions in andor out.

There are a couple of potential options, each with proscons:

A. consider the S-Corps at the partner level instead of the parent LLC
B. consider creating another entity, S-Corp, as a management or dental provider
company with the 3 owners so that it won’t own any of the tangible assets
or personal GW, it just provides the dental services. The LLC pays that company
for its dental clinical services to the extent of the LLC profits, the S-Corp
then pays its doctor providers based on their clinical efforts accordingly.I haven’t thought this completely through; however, that MIGHT allow you to
minimize your current taxes while maintaining the ease of future transitions.This model is used quite frequently with certain corporate buyers. They own the
“parent” company while the doctors have their own clinical corps. The
parent company pays the doctors clinical corporation for services.
Good luck
This first appeared on Dentaltown.
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