New Year’s Goals


With every New Year comes the opportunity to make positive changes. During this time, many of us can start with a clean slate and make shifts in the way in which we operate both personally and professionally. Now is the time to set new goals or revisit goals from the past that got pushed to the back burner.

The first step to developing your resolution plan is REFLECTING.

  • Ask yourself and your team what the dental practice as a whole could have done better in 2016?
  • Review the production goals achieved in 2016 and identify areas of improvement or growth.

Secondly, engage in some BRAINSTORMING

  • Think about the areas of opportunity within your practice, do you have a lot of no-shows?
    Consider setting a goal to reduce them.
  • Is increasing patient acquisition an area that needs growth?
    Taking the time to create a marketing plan would allow you to achieve new patient goals.

These are just a few examples of how to improve your overall practice operation and production in the New Year. All areas of running a dental practice are important to the transition process as higher production rates, and low operational costs help to make your practice more attractive to potential buyers when you are ready to make the transition. It’s never too early to start planning your transition. By keeping your numbers up and maintaining a profitable practice, you’re more likely to receive the maximum return on your investment when it’s time to sell.