Managing Your Student Loan Debt

As part of our New Dentist Month, we’re exploring timely topics for dental school graduates who are just starting out on their own. This week’s post focuses on student loan debt and provides tips on managing it better. It’s estimated that most dental school graduates have an average of $241,000 in student loan debt. Even…Read More→

Work Life Balance for New Dentists

If you’re a new dental graduate preparing to enter the full-time clinical field for the first time, you probably have a lot of emotions: excitement, anxiety, exhilaration, and relief from the rigors and monotony of dental school. Once you get started, all that excitement and anxiety can be difficult to manage when you’re trying to…Read More→

Welcome to the Profession!

If you just finished dental school, congratulations! You’re heading into a profession with strong growth potential, good work-life balance, and a variety of career advancement opportunities. It’s an exciting time to join a great profession.  Did you miss our recent post on why being a dentist is the best job ever? Read it here. Whether…Read More→

Job Hunting Tips for New Dental Graduates

This is a guest blog from our friends at ETS Dental. The date is quickly approaching. Dental students will be graduating in May/June, and Dental Residents will be completing their programs in June. It is an exciting time. New jobs, possible relocation, and the beginning of a whole new life doing what you love to…Read More→