Buyers – Know Your A/R Collection Rules!

In many practice purchase transactions, the sellers will keep their patient accounts receivables (A/R) and the buyer will accept the responsibility to collect them for a period of time at a nominal fee (to help cover their costs) and remit those collections to the seller. While this sounds simple enough, if the asset purchase agreement…Read More→

To Sell, Or Not to Sell the Accounts Receivable

So, you found a suitable buyer for your dental practice. Congratulations! The hard work of identifying a successor is over. Now comes the tricky part: negotiating the sale. The total purchase price will typically include two numbers: one for your practice, and another for your accounts receivable. When does it make sense to sell the…Read More→

How To Reduce Your Accounts Receivable

Studies have shown that accounts receivable (AR) in dental practices is highest between January and April. If your practice sees higher than usual AR early in the year, make it your priority to reduce this number later throughout the year. Carrying a balance on your accounts receivable is a common practice with any business, and especially…Read More→