How to Buy a Dental Practice – Setting the Asking Price

Here is the next video in the “How to Purchase a Dental Practice” which addresses the process in setting an asking price for a dental practice. Send your questions to Tim Lott, CPA, CVA at If you’d like to be added to our Dental CPA newsletter, email Follow us Twitter and like us on Facebook

How Should the Purchase Price for Dental Practice be Allocated?

Hi, Is this a good allocation of $ for the buyer for tax advantage? PURCHASE PRICE $475,000.00 Furniture and Equipment $ 110,000.00 Covenant Not to Compete $ 1,000.00 Patient Records $ 179,000.00 Goodwill $ 185,000.00 TOTAL $475,000.00 Tuscon Dr. I would switch patient records and covenant not to compete. It has nothing to do with…Read More→

Dental Practice Purchase Price Allocation: Is Goodwill the Devil?

Sometimes we come across uninformed buyers that want the majority of their purchase price allocated to equipment because they can get an immediate tax write-off under Internal Revenue Code Section 179 of up to $125k and $250k in very recent years. However, part of our job is to understand and educate ourselves about the state/locality…Read More→