There’s More to Selling Your Dental Practice Than the Price

Here is a post from Tim Lott, CPA, CVA and Ellen Dorner of NL Transitions, a Dental Brokerage firm. Far too many times when dentists are preparing to sell their dental practice, they are focused mainly on the price and may wind up overlooking many other issues surrounding the practice sale that are just as important, some even more important than…Read More→

The Conversation a Dentist Can Have with Fearful Patients

Here is another post, the last in a series, from our friend Jen Butler of Jen Butler Coaching. It doesn’t matter if patients react from flight or fight mode.  Both types can be easy to work with and does not need to make for a stressful day at the office. These steps will help you connect, defuse, and…Read More→

What Should a Dentist Do When a Patient Wants to Flee?

Here is another post, the second in a series, from our friend Jen Butler of Jen Butler Coaching. Patients that come from a place of fight are easier to pinpoint, not easier to work with.  The body has a defense mechanism that when put in dangerous, threatening, or fearful situations gets louder, bigger, and more aggressive to…Read More→

What a Dentist Should Do When a Patient is Fearful

Here is a guest blog post from our friend Jen Butler, M.Ed., CPC, BCC from Jen Butler Coaching. Fear and dentistry seem to go hand in hand.  Whether the fear comes from childhood experiences or is solely psychological, fear is a real thing that patients often bring with them to their appointments. Here’s what most…Read More→

The Value of a Second Opinion to a Dentist

Here is another thoughtful blog from our esteemed client Dr. Don Lurie. It seems to me that every health care professional sometimes needs to take the same advice that he gives to his patients.  “I suggest that we get a second opinion on this…” I have written many articles regarding the beginning of our practices…Read More→

Emotional Preparation for Retirement from Dentistry

This is another guest post from our dear friend and client, Dr. Don Lurie. It seems to me that many of the doctors that I talk to as they prepare for retirement, are terrified.  Their anxiety is obvious after just a few minutes of conversation.  I am asked (being recently retired for 2 years): what…Read More→

Dental Associate Agreements

Here is a guest blog post from our friend Carl Guthrie from ETS Dental. Associate Agreements (contracts) can suffocate us at a time we should be reveling in a new opportunity.  However, many dentists don’t understand what is in their contracts, in turn complicating the process and turning this joy of new opportunity into a…Read More→

The Specialist and Dental Study Clubs

This is another guest post from our client Dr. Lurie. It seems to me that the need and demand for continuing education is extremely important to our profession.  Obviously, so do the State Boards and licensing folks.  I would like to discuss study clubs and how to gain the most value for the time and…Read More→

The Top Twelve Mistakes Dentists Make Filing Their Taxes

Lance Jacob of the Dental CPAs has compiled a list of the top twelve most common tax filing mistakes that he sees his dental clients making. If you don’t have a dental CPA, contact Lance.     Filling out tax forms with an incorrect Social Security number. The IRS computers will automatically reject your deductions and credits…Read More→