How Much Money Will Dentists Need to Retire Well?

It’s the age-old question with many different answers: how much money do I need for retirement? Dentists face no more investment and savings risks than other people; however, as dentists also tend to earn more money throughout their career, and high-income earners tend to spend more and thus, have a higher cost of living. This…Read More→

Is Early Retirement from Dentistry in Your Future?

Retirement is usually viewed as the goal or reward after a long, successful career practicing dentistry. For most dentists, the average retirement age has crept up to around age 67, up from a few years ago. Many of us may dream about the luxury of an early retirement but aren’t sure it’s financially possible. Some…Read More→

Life After Dentistry: Lessons Learned from the Archives (Part 2)

Are you considering retirement in the next few years? Or maybe you don’t have immediate plans to transition out of your dental practice, but the thought of leaving your career is overwhelming. If you’re unsure where to start, a good idea is asking the dentists who have been there. We’re continuing a series where we…Read More→

Life After Dentistry: Lessons Learned from the Archives (Part 1)

Throughout the years, we at N/L Transitions and Dental CPAs have been lucky to work with numerous outstanding dentists as they grew their practices and eventually retired. The transition out of dentistry is a process and has nuances that catch many retiring dentists off guard. We thought it would be timely to reprint some of…Read More→

Dental Summer Help: Should Your Kids Work for You?

It’s summertime! For dentists, that means you’re in the middle of your busiest months of the year. If you have older kids – teenagers in high school or college-age – who are home for the summer, isn’t it maddening sometimes watching them lay about while you work all day? Solve two problems at once: bring…Read More→

Top Dental Services To Market for Year End

Many patients’ dental insurance benefits are on a calendar year basis, with a use-it-or-lose-it policy. According to the National Association of Dental Plans, less than three percent of people with PPO dental insurance used their dental plan’s maximum benefit. Therefore, the end of the year tends to be busier as these patients scramble to get…Read More→

There’s More to Selling Your Dental Practice Than the Price

Here is a post from Tim Lott, CPA, CVA and Ellen Dorner of NL Transitions, a Dental Brokerage firm. Far too many times when dentists are preparing to sell their dental practice, they are focused mainly on the price and may wind up overlooking many other issues surrounding the practice sale that are just as important, some even more important than…Read More→

The Conversation a Dentist Can Have with Fearful Patients

Here is another post, the last in a series, from our friend Jen Butler of Jen Butler Coaching. It doesn’t matter if patients react from flight or fight mode.  Both types can be easy to work with and does not need to make for a stressful day at the office. These steps will help you connect, defuse, and…Read More→

What Should a Dentist Do When a Patient Wants to Flee?

Here is another post, the second in a series, from our friend Jen Butler of Jen Butler Coaching. Patients that come from a place of fight are easier to pinpoint, not easier to work with.  The body has a defense mechanism that when put in dangerous, threatening, or fearful situations gets louder, bigger, and more aggressive to…Read More→

What a Dentist Should Do When a Patient is Fearful

Here is a guest blog post from our friend Jen Butler, M.Ed., CPC, BCC from Jen Butler Coaching. Fear and dentistry seem to go hand in hand.  Whether the fear comes from childhood experiences or is solely psychological, fear is a real thing that patients often bring with them to their appointments. Here’s what most…Read More→