Seller Wants to Delay Closing due to PPP2-What Does a Buyer Do?

It’s fall 2020, and you have found a practice that checks just about every one of your wish list boxes. You have engaged professionals to assist you with the due diligence, nailed down your lender for the loan, negotiated a new favorable lease with the landlord, and have the closing date nailed down as well…Read More→

Employee Retention Credit (ERC) 2020 Planning

In case you have not heard, the Employee Retention Credit (ERC), which was part of the CARES act legislation in March 2020, is back in play for 2020 for an expanded group of employers than the law originally allowed. This past December, Congress passed the CAA legislation which made an interesting and potentially valuable revision…Read More→

COVID-19 – 07-01-20 BULLETIN RELEASE – PPP Loan Forgiveness & Provider Relief Fund

Forgiveness Application After much anticipation, the SBA has released new forgiveness applications and additional guidance regarding the recent changes put in place with the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act (PPPFA). The SBA provided two applications and related instructions – the abbreviated Form 3508EZ and the detailed Form 3508. Both applications clearly allow for the 24-week…Read More→

Payroll Protection Program (PPP) Loan Questions – It Depends

That’s the answer we, as CPAs, have to give many times when responding to questions on a forums board or chat groups on many types of questions, whether its income tax-related, practice transition, paying an associate, or staffing issues. It’s no different from PPP loan questions. Sure, there are some one-size-fits-all answers to questions like…Read More→